Internet privacy and security course
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Chapter 67

Sending Anonymous Emails

Surely you have ever met the need to send an email and at the same time did not want to do this from the main email inbox. In this case, it would be very useful to have some email without registration, where you can simply go to the site and send a message.

  In this chapter, I will tell you how to send an anonymous letter without registering an electronic mailbox. Many "experts" will begin to argue that such letters go to spam or are even blocked. We tested the work of the proposed AnonymousEmail service with leading email providers, including Gmail, and there was nowhere that the email went in the Spam folder.


  To send a letter, go to the site and fill out the sending form. In the line "Reply-to" you can specify the mailing address which the response letter will be sent to. Cybercriminals, such as extortionists, usually use a temporary mailbox like TempMail, which is created in one click.

AnonymousEmail service provides the ability to replace email and control readings, but these services are already paid. Criminals fell in love with this service because of the possibility of paying for cryptocurrency.

  The only thing I would like to draw your attention to is that all such services are logging, saving not only the data of the letter, but also your IP address.
