Internet privacy and security course
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Chapter 13

Peeping information on the screen

Under the threat of being spied on, I mean the possibility of third parties to peep information on the victim's screen when they use their smartphone or laptop. At particular group of risk there are people loving to work in public places, such as cafes and restaurants.

Do not underestimate this threat, especially if you work with information of interest to your malefactors. I have already told how, through peeping, law enforcement agencies managed to decypher information on encrypted devices used by criminals.

  But if you can protect the password from peeping with the help of this manual, then with other information, such as correspondence, the situation is more complicated. There are several solutions for protection, they can be divided into two groups, namely mechanical and software.

Mechanical anti-peeping solutions

The simplest solutions are protective films for the screen. They allow you to make the image out on the screen only when you are in front of it and they hide the image from looking at the screen at an angle. This is an amazingly effective solution for protecting your smartphone, tablet, and laptop.

  We have a Telegram channel, which is called Hacker’s TOYS, where we publish information about various solutions, programs and interesting services, there you can find information about the protective films with link to the product.


There are laptops on the market in which peeping protection is built in by default, for example, a range of laptops with HP Sure View technology. Here is a video with its demonstration.

But the film is not the only solution I recommend. Its main problem is the lack of protection from peeping from the back, in other words, people on the sides of you will not see anything, but the person behind you will see everything as well as you will. But for protection and against this threat we have another solution.

At my first job, we had an office, where developers, system administrators, and, most unpleasantly, the bosses were sitting in one big room. From time to time, our manager liked to walk and check whether his subordinates were working or hanging out in ICQ.

The use of small mirrors remained the most effective defense, and soon almost half of the employees placed mirrors near the monitor for viewing the space behind their backs.




If you have to work with valuable information in public places, get a protective film on the screen and a mirror to eliminate unnoticeable peeping from behind.

In addition to the mirror, there is a much more elegant solution, that is the so-called self-adhesive mirror films, they are also called safe mirrors. It is necessary to purchase such a film, cut two strips and stick it on both sides of the camera of the laptop, this will allow you to control the space in the back without any extra tools.

Anti-peeping software solutions

It seems to me that it is unnecessary to use software solutions for this task, however, since I decided to highlight all the tools I know, let's talk about them as well.

In 2017, Google introduced an application that, using a neural network, ensures that no one spies on what is happening on the device screen. This video demonstrates visually how it works.

Regarding the drawbacks, there is the constant use of the front camera, what I absolutely do not recommend. Similar developments are for the computer, for example, the program PrivateEye.

The minus is the same, i.e. continuous observation through the camera, in my opinion, such a decision carries more risks than good things.

Solutions for geeks

There is quite an interesting solution called Decodelia. This is an extension for Chrome, designed to protect from peeping. For everyone who wants to see what site you have opened in the browser, the image will look like this.

decodelia chrome

To see the information on the screen, you must wear glasses with red glasses. An excellent solution, however, the need to wear glasses and the lack of protection for other programs, such as messengers, makes its use not very reasonable.

In addition, I cannot say that Chrome is not the browser that cares about the protection of user data.

And here is another development from the Turkish inventor, be sure to watch this video.
