Internet privacy and security course
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Chapter 39

MiniKeePass is a password manager for iOS (iPhone / iPad)

Choosing a password manager for iOS

We have already described how to create secure passwords and secure logins, how to securely enter passwords and how to store ones. You probably followed our advice and chose a password manager for storage.

For work on desktop versions we have stopped on KeePassXC. In the AppStore there are several applications that position themselves as KeePass for iOS, my choice is the MiniKeePass application.

There are several reasons for this choice; the main one is that the source code of MiniKeePass is uploaded to GitHub, in addition, the application is also stable and convenient to use.

Download / create password database

I do not recommend using the same file with passwords on a computer and mobile devices, since for mobile devices most passwords from the common database are not required. It makes no sense to put them at unnecessary risk, and therefore the best solution would be to create a separate password database for mobile devices.

If you have already had a password file and you want to upload it to MiniKeePass, you will need to transfer it, for example via Dropbox, any other cloud application, or send it by mail. In general, this process from A to Z is described in a help box, there is no sense for me to repeat it. This is exactly the case when everything is simple, clear and only about the one case.

If you do not have a password file, you must create it. Let me remind you that the password file (or password database) is a securely encrypted file, where data for accessing websites and applications will be stored. You can decrypt it only by entering the correct password in the MiniKeePass application or in compatible solutions.

To create a file with passwords, open the application and click the "+" button at the bottom right. Create a name of the database with passwords, a strong password, select version 2.x. The password file has been created!


It will appear on the main screen in the list of created files with passwords. Now to open the file, select it and enter the correct password.

Sort passwords by groups

To speed up the search for the necessary information, MiniKeePass Manager offers sorting the records into groups. You can arrange passwords for social networks and passwords for bank accounts in different groups, which with a large number of passwords will facilitate the search.

After opening the created file with passwords you will find yourself in the menu with groups. By default, MiniKeePass offers the following groups: eMail, Homebanking, Internet, Network, Windows; you can delete, edit an existing group or add a new one. As for me, these were not the most suitable groups, and I renamed them to Banking, Social Networks, Sites, Affiliates, Services. You can make your list.

Adding entries

It's high time to add the first entry. Click the "+" on the bottom right, select "Record".


Title is the entry designation for you, for example Facebook.

Login is the login you will enter on the site.

Password is the password itself, which we use the manager for.

URL is the site where you will enter the specified username and password.


Password generator

To create strong passwords MiniKeePass offers a built-in generator. The function of the password generator is the generation of random passwords according to specified criteria. When creating a record, click on the password generator icon (spanner), create a strong password of 25 characters or more, then enter it on the website during registration.

minikeepass password generator

Editing entries

To edit an entry, scroll to the one you need and click Edit.

Deleting entries

Deleting entries is made by simply move from right to left.


Use the program

To use the program, go to the entry and click on the desired field. The information will be automatically copied, and you will only have to paste it into the authorization fields on the website or in the program.

Increase security level

As with the use of password managers on other operating systems, in order to achieve maximum security, it is necessary to work with the program settings.

The first level of protection is setting a password for the application (PIN PROTECTION), as well as setting the option to destroy data after five unsuccessful password attempts (DELETE ALL DATA ON PIN FAILURE). Select the PIN Enabled option and specify the pin code, activate the password destruction system, it is recommended to disable the TOUCH ID option.

When you open access to the database and use the application, it is in a vulnerable phase with open access to all passwords. Once you have copied the data and you no longer need the application, it is recommended to block it immediately.

In the MiniKeePass settings, you can set the time after which the program will automatically close the bases with passwords and to reopen them you will need to enter the password (CLOSE DATABASE ON TIMEOUT). The default setting is 5 minutes, but in terms of security, I recommend setting 2 minutes.

