Internet privacy and security course
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Chapter 6

Help and answers to your questions

In the course of studying, you may need to get additional advice on issues related to setting up a comprehensive anonymity and security of your devices or servers. The solution of some problems is impossible without the help of an expert.

We would be happy to help each of you, but we cannot do that because of our lack of human resources. In addition, IT security, as well as in medicine, has its own specializations, for example, one can be an excellent network specialist and have a good server adjusting skills, another can understand web site security, and the third one is into security of devices running the Android operating system.

Therefore, it is more correct to choose a specialist who has experience in solving problems similar to yours. It is absolutely unreasonable to transfer a mobile phone setup to an expert in server technology, even if it is a world-class professional. Anyway, they will need time to study the issue, and they will get experience on you.

We are ready to offer you a place where you can find the right specialist. This is our channel in the Telegram ITsec market (@ITsec_market). You need to register with Telegram and contact us (@cyberhackGL) with a description of your task or your question. After that, the data will be published on the channel, and you will be contacted by experts who are ready to assist you.

The second way is to choose a specialist independently, since not only questions to specialists are published on the channel, but also suggestions from specialists with a description of their skills and services provided. If you are a specialist and want to place your offer, you should also write to us in Telegram. For specialists, the first publication is free.

When sending a request, please describe the purpose, problems, range of questions in as much detail as possible. Many specialists are ready to provide initial advice for free, but you should understand that any knowledge is acquired through long-term work, and, naturally, the help of specialists should have a fair reward. Usually the consulting hour of a specialist in the field of IT-security is estimated from 20 to 60 dollars.

When discussing working conditions with specialists, find out what guarantees they can provide, how you can test their skills, what feedback they have on the network, whether they work without prepayment or with phased payment as they complete tasks, be sure when they take your money, they will not disappear with them. Remember that we are not responsible for the published proposals, do not check them for accuracy, however, we consider complaints and delete offers from unscrupulous users.
