Internet privacy and security course
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Chapter 88

Hacking, erasure and cyber espionage via USB cables.

I would not like the course readers to fall into some kind of extremes and paranoia, yet integrated security assumes awareness of all the threats, one of which is USB cables. In this chapter we will make out how they can become tools of attack.

  Right before the publication of this material, there was news that Mike Grover, an IT security specialist, developed a malicious USB cable that can receive commands from a malefactor via Wi-Fi and transfer them to the victim’s device on behalf of the keyboard. You can read in this chapter on what such an attack can lead to.

Mike Grover called his development 0-MG, and it is equally effective against devices running Linux, macOS and Windows, but the main problem is that this is not a unique private development, such devices have existed since long ago, and anyone can buy them, for example on Aliexpress.

Let's see what threats a malicious USB cable can carry.

Device destruction

  We have already written about USB flash drives, which, when connected, disable the computer. Nothing prevents you from making a USB cable with a similar operating principle.

Do not underestimate this attack, sometimes it is the desired goal to disable the victim's computer. But you know the reason and the solution, and the victim is more likely to spend time searching for the cause, inviting a specialist, searching for and purchasing a compatible component, and then installing it. In some cases, this process can take weeks.

On the internet, you can find various devices that are like USB port protection, the so-called USB Condom. Some of them, according to sellers, are protected from USB-killers, although this is not their main task.

Infection of the device

  I remind you that in most cases the charger connects to the USB port, which means it is possible to conduct a BadUSB attack with all the consequences.

For examples, you don’t need to search far, just meet USBHarpoon.


This device was developed with the support of well-known IT security specialist Kevin Mitnick. It can infect computers Linux, macOS or Windows after connecting the cable to the unlocked device. This attack has only one drawback, meaning the user will see suspicious activity on the screen of their computer, for example, a console call and command input.

As you can guess, it is not a difficult task to get such a toy, which is possible not only for special services, but also for private companies engaged in industrial espionage.

Fortunately, there is effective protection against such attacks, which is called USB Condom, which was already mentioned above. It will not allow the cable to interact with the computer, with the exception of power transmission. In other words, with this cable you can charge the phone and nothing more.

  You can buy USB Condom on Amazon (here or here).



Get USB Condom for protection against attacks like BadUSB.

Unfortunately, if you need a USB cable to transfer data, USB Condom will not work, and there is no other effective protection against this attack. Some antivirus developers claim that their product protects against BadUSB attacks. However, studies do not confirm this.


Using a USB cable, you can spy by inserting into it a voice recorder and/or GPS tracker, which is a device that allows you to track the location of the cable and, therefore, the owner. In the case of a voice recorder, the cable is given to the victim, and then the malefactor listens to everything that is discussed near the computer or other device which the cable is connected to.

The advantage of such a device is regular access to power if the cable is used, which means long and stable operation. The disadvantage is the quality, as it is almost impossible to insert a high-quality microphone to a USB-cable.

The data transfer collected by the recorder, as a rule, is carried out through the built-in SIM card. This is how 99% of devices work, since other methods are difficult to implement.

  Such toys can be purchased even on AliExpress. Here, for example, you can see a cable with a GPS tracker.


  The main security tool in this case is a signal detection device that can detect the use of a radio module for data transmission and other signals. Such devices can be bought easily, on the same AliExpress.

hidden device detector

Reasonable caution

If you are a simple user of the network, it is unlikely that your data will be seriously hunted, because this threat is more theoretical for you. But businessmen, journalists, politicians, officials, public figures and their families should be seriously concerned.

The tools described above for espionage are available not only to special services, but also to anyone who wishes. The attack requires neither super-knowledge and super-efforts, nor an incredible competence of the attacker and a ridiculous mistake of the victim.

The first sensible step would be to refuse to buy devices and components with delivery in your name. Go to the store and buy a random device, it will eliminate the risk that you will be sold a malicious device for targeted attack.



Purchase devices randomly in the store instead of an address order with your data.

  And of course, if something breaks down, never hand over the equipment to the service. I have already told in the chapter about cyber espionage through the centers of repair of computer equipment and mobile devices why this should not be done.

If you connect a third-party device for charging from your computer or, on the contrary, you charge your phone from third-party devices, USB Condom should always be used.

And if you are a person who may be a matter of interest for address cyber espionage, it is better to have a device for detecting hidden signal sources and to check all components, including cables.
